Date Posted
23rd Jun 2022

Adrenalin Success at Aussie Gold Showoffs

Adrenalin Cheer & Dance competed across 18 divisions in the championship event held in Mackay June 17/18th this year. Our results were fantastic for the first event of the season and we had the following placings: 3 first and one 1 third for group stunt divisions, 5 first places for our dance teams including awarded Pom Grand Champions and Jazz Grand Champions across the entire event. Our cheer teams score 2 seconds and 7 first places with our level 1 Scorpions taking our level 1 Grand Champions. We are so very proud of our athletes, many who had their first time on the floor ever at this event and our staff are eagerly looking forward to our next championship in Townsville July 23/24th. 

Scorpions Junior Level 1 team!