Date Posted
27th Oct 2020

Cheersport "Spirit" team win their first ever event!

This was the very first year and cheersport team Adrenalin had ever been involved with - to catch parents up - cheersport is a low budget, semi-comp option for kids wanting to get a taste of comp cheer without the expense!

Anyway - we had our awesome "Spirit" team coached by amazing Mackenzie Vessey who created a routine just for them to show off their talents and she spend the season improving and developing their skills as individuals whilst they also improved as a team.

This team went on for a display performance at the Mackay Showoffs championship and they performed so amazingly we were excited to see them on the comp floor at their real event - Cheerbrandz Majors (Brisbane).

They competed full of nerves and excitement and did a stand out performance which we were all just so proud of and they WON their division - which was the first time the kids have ever competed in cheerleading! Later in the day there were additional grand champion awards given out to teams who performed to a level of excellence within their divisions and although the team had already left for the day we had one athlete in the grand stand who was there when our little spirit team was announced the Grade 1 Cheersport Grand Champions!!

What a year for these kids, first time on the floor and won their division and overall across all age groups for their division. Yep, us coaches were thrilled - so just wanted to do a quick shout out and celebrate the fact that even our newest kids are superstars just waiting to happen.