Date Posted
7th Dec 2021

Scorpions Junior team making their mark

Our Junior 1 Scorpions team this season went from strength to strength this season! Coached by Belinda Patroni and assisted by Mackenzie Vessey our team of 24 athletes aged between 7-14yrs worked tirelessly all season to improve and fine tune their routine and it certainly paid off....

First event was Mackay Aussie Gold Showoffs which they placed 1st and were level 1 grand champions, the next event was AASCF Queensland state championships which they also won and won level 1 grand champions, following this we competed at Cheerbrandz majors - and yes they won their division again and also took out level 1 grand champions for this performance also!! Our final event entered for the season was the AASCF national championships and although their routine was sensational they just missed out on first by 0.10 and took home the second place for Mackay and our club!

Everything these kids put on the floor for the season was done so well, we are super stoked to be the club working with such motivated and talented kids as we have... bring on 2022...